Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Buildbot Part IV: Customize the scheduler

My previous post was about customizing buildbot to display more information on the waterfall page. Now let’s customize the scheduler to trigger the knightly build only if the continuous one hasn’t failed.

One way to accomplish this is by adding a new scheduler called DependentNightly, this scheduler receives a new parameter called relatedBuilderNames containing a set of builders that the scheduler should watch. The startbuild method will now check, for every related builder, the last finished build status and start the knightly build if no failures are found. Bellow master.cfg changes.

from buildbot.schedulers.basic import SingleBranchScheduler
from buildbot.schedulers.timed import Nightly
from buildbot.changes import filter
from buildbot.status.builder import SUCCESS, WARNINGS, FAILURE
from twisted.python import log
from twisted.internet import defer

class DependentNightly(Nightly):

    relatedBuilderNames = []
    def __init__(self, relatedBuilderNames = [], **kwargs):
        Nightly.__init__(self, **kwargs)
        self.relatedBuilderNames = relatedBuilderNames

    def startBuild(self):
        startBuild = True
        for builderName in  self.relatedBuilderNames:
            builder_status = self.master.status.getBuilder(builderName)
            lastBuild = builder_status.getLastFinishedBuild()
            if lastBuild != None:
                startBuild = startBuild and (lastBuild.getResults() != FAILURE)

        if (startBuild):
            return Nightly.startBuild(self)
            log.msg(("Nightly Scheduler <%s>: skipping build. " +
                         "- Related builder <%s> failed last build")
                        % (self.name, ", ".join(self.relatedBuilderNames)))
            return defer.succeed(None)   

c['schedulers'] = []
                            relatedBuilderNames=["Continuous"] ))

When the scheduler finds out that the build won’t run, a message will be log to twistd.log file as shown bellow.


I hope this series of blog posts were helpful to give you an overall idea about using buildbot for CI.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Buildbot Part III: Customizations

On my previous post we configured buildbot to run automated build and tests. Now, let’s add customizations, usually this configurations consists of subclasses set up for use in a regular buildbot configuration file (master.cfg).

Display more information in the waterfall

The first customization will be adding detail information in the waterfall page. One way to do this is writing a new custom buildstep. Most shell commands emit messages to stdout/stderr as they run, we will get output information from xunit.console.exe and use the functions provided by buildbot to perform summarization of the step base on the content of the stdio logfile. Bellow changes done to display details about the tests executed in a dll: total, failed, skipped and the time it took to perform the tests.

class xUnitConsole(ShellCommand):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        ShellCommand.__init__(self, **kwargs)

    def describe(self, done=False):
        description = ShellCommand.describe(self,done)
        if done:
            description.append('total: %d ' % self.step_status.getStatistic('total', 0))
            failed = self.step_status.getStatistic('failed', 0)
            if failed > 0:
                description.append('failed: %d' % failed)
            skipped = self.step_status.getStatistic('skipped', 0)
            if skipped > 0:
                description.append('skipped: %d' % skipped)
            description.append('took: %s seconds' % self.step_status.getStatistic('time', 0))                
        return description

    def createSummary(self,log):
        _re_result = re.compile(r'(\d*) total, (\d*) failed, (\d*) skipped, took (.*) seconds')
        total = 0
        failed = 0
        skipped = 0
        time = 0
        lines = self.getLog('stdio').readlines()
        for l in lines:
            m = _re_result.search(l)
            if m:                
                total = int(m.group(1))
                failed = int(m.group(2))
                skipped = int(m.group(3))
                time = m.group(4)
        self.step_status.setStatistic('total', total)
        self.step_status.setStatistic('failed', failed)
        self.step_status.setStatistic('skipped', skipped)
        self.step_status.setStatistic('time', time)

def RunTests(factory, testproject, configuration, testdirectory):
        factory.addStep(xUnitConsole(command=['src\\xunit.console\\bin\\%s\\xunit.console.exe' % configuration,
                                '%s\\%s' % (testdirectory, testproject), "/html", "%s\\testresults.html" % testdirectory],
                                     workdir='build\\', name="Run %s" % testproject,
                                     description="Running %s" % testproject ,
                                     descriptionDone="Run %s done" % testproject,
                                     flunkOnFailure=False, warnOnFailure=True))

We switched from using ShellCommand to use the new one xUnitConsole, bellow an image with the new information displayed in the waterfall page. 


you can follow a similar approach to display more information in compiling buildstep, check the visual studio buildstep in vstudio.py.

xunit.net report

Next customization will be adding a link to the report generated by xunit.console. The ShellCommand has the parameter logfiles that is useful in this case, when a command logs information in a local file rather than emitting everything to stdout/stderr.  By setting lazylogfiles=True, logfiles will be tracked lazily, meaning they will only be added when and if something is written to them. Finally, the addHtmllog adds a logfile containing pre-formatted HTML.  Bellow the changes done in master.cfg.

class  xUnitConsole(ShellCommand):    

    def __init__(self, xunitreport=None, **kwargs):
        ShellCommand.__init__(self, **kwargs)

    def describe(self, done=False):
        description = ShellCommand.describe(self,done)
        if done:
            description.append('total: %d ' % self.step_status.getStatistic('total', 0))
            failed = self.step_status.getStatistic('failed', 0)
            if failed > 0:
                description.append('failed: %d' % failed)
            skipped = self.step_status.getStatistic('skipped', 0)
            if skipped > 0:
                description.append('skipped: %d' % skipped)
            description.append('took: %s seconds' % self.step_status.getStatistic('time', 0))                
        return description

    def createSummary(self,log):
        html = self.getLog("xunit-report")
        text = html.getText()
        self.addHTMLLog("xunit-report.html", text)
        _re_result = re.compile(r'(\d*) total, (\d*) failed, (\d*) skipped, took (.*) seconds')
        total = 0
        failed = 0
        skipped = 0
        time = 0
        lines = self.getLog('stdio').readlines()
        for l in lines:
            m = _re_result.search(l)
            if m:                
                total = int(m.group(1))
                failed = int(m.group(2))
                skipped = int(m.group(3))
                time = m.group(4)
        self.step_status.setStatistic('total', total)
        self.step_status.setStatistic('failed', failed)
        self.step_status.setStatistic('skipped', skipped)
        self.step_status.setStatistic('time', time)

def RunTests(factory, testproject, configuration, testdirectory):
        factory.addStep(xUnitConsole(command=['src\\xunit.console\\bin\\%s\\xunit.console.exe' % configuration,
                                '%s\\%s' % (testdirectory, testproject), "/html", "%s\\testresults.html" % testdirectory],
                                     workdir='build\\', name="Run %s" % testproject,
                                     description="Running %s" % testproject ,
                                     descriptionDone="Run %s done" % testproject,
                                     flunkOnFailure=False, warnOnFailure=True,
                                     logfiles = {"xunit-report" : "%s\\testresults.html" % testdirectory }, lazylogfiles=True))

The waterfall page now has a link to xunit.net report, as you can see bellow:


On my next post I’ll show you how to customize the scheduler.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Buildbot Part II – Running automated build and tests

On my previous post we setup buildbot. Now, let’s configure it to run automated builds and tests. To do this, I’ll be using my xUnit.Net fork hosted on git/codeplex.
Make the following changes to master.cfg:

Connect to the buildslave

c['slaves'] = [BuildSlave("BuildSlave01", "mysecretpwd")]

Track repository – GitPoller

The gitpoller periodically fetches from a remote git repository and process any changes.

from buildbot.changes.gitpoller import GitPoller
c['change_source'] = []
        gitbin='C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Git\\bin\\git.exe',

Add scheduler

There are different types of schedulers supported by buildbot and you can customize it. Let’s add a single branch scheduler to run the build whenever a change is committed to the repository and knightly schedulers to run the build once a day.

from buildbot.schedulers.basic import SingleBranchScheduler
from buildbot.schedulers.timed import Nightly
from buildbot.changes import filter

c['schedulers'] = []

Define a Build Factory

It contains the steps that a build will follow. In our case, we need to get source from repository, compile xunit.net projects and run the tests.

Get source from repository: Let’s do an incremental update for continuous build and compile debug; the full build will do a full repository checkout and compile using release configuration. The git factory needs to access git binaries, set the environment path to where you install it for example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\.

Compile xunit.net and run tests: Let’s compile using MSbuild.exe and run the tests with xunit.console.exe. By setting flunkOnFailure=False/warnOnFailure=True, test failures will mark the overall build as having warnings.

from buildbot.process.factory import BuildFactory
from buildbot.steps.source.git import Git
from buildbot.steps.shell import ShellCommand

def MSBuildFramework4(factory, configuration, projectdir):
                                          'xunit.msbuild', '/t:Build', '/p:Configuration=%s' % configuration],
                                 workdir=projectdir, name="Compile xunit.net projects",
                                 description="Compiling xunit.net projects",
                                 descriptionDone="Copile xunit.net projects done"))

def RunTests(factory, testproject, configuration, testdirectory):
        factory.addStep(ShellCommand(command=['src\\xunit.console\\bin\\%s\\xunit.console.exe' % configuration,
                                '%s\\%s' % (testdirectory, testproject), "/html", "%s\\testresults.html" % testdirectory],
                                     workdir='build\\', name="Run %s" % testproject,
                                     description="Running %s" % testproject ,
                                     descriptionDone="Run %s done" % testproject,
                                     flunkOnFailure=False, warnOnFailure=True))

factory_continuous = BuildFactory()
factory_continuous.addStep(Git(repourl='https://git01.codeplex.com/forks/mariangemarcano/xunit',  mode='incremental'))
MSBuildFramework4(factory_continuous, 'Debug', 'build\\')
RunTests(factory_continuous, 'test.xunit.dll', 'Debug', 'test\\test.xunit\\bin\\Debug')
RunTests(factory_continuous, 'test.xunit.gui.dll', 'Debug', 'test\\test.xunit.gui\\bin\\Debug')

factory_ninghtly = BuildFactory()
factory_ninghtly.addStep(Git(repourl='https://git01.codeplex.com/forks/mariangemarcano/xunit', mode='full', method='clobber'))
MSBuildFramework4(factory_ninghtly, 'Release', 'build\\')
RunTests(factory_ninghtly, 'test.xunit.dll', 'Release', 'test\\test.xunit\\bin\\Release')
RunTests(factory_ninghtly, 'test.xunit.gui.dll', 'Release', 'test\\test.xunit.gui\\bin\\Release')

Builder Configuration

from buildbot.config import BuilderConfig

c['builders'] = []

Status notifications

You could also add MailNotifier to configure mail notifications.

c['status'] = []

from buildbot.status import html
from buildbot.status.web import authz, auth

    # change any of these to True to enable; see the manual for more
    # options
    gracefulShutdown = False,
    forceBuild = True, # use this to test your slave once it is set up
    forceAllBuilds = False,
    pingBuilder = True,
    stopBuild = True,
    stopAllBuilds = False,
    cancelPendingBuild = True,
c['status'].append(html.WebStatus(http_port=8010, authz=authz_cfg))

Every commit done will trigger a continuous build that automatically compiles and runs tests. In the waterfall page you can see the people who has committed changes to the branch (view image bellow).


Click on the person’s name to view commit’s detail information like repository, branch and revision. At the bottom there is a list of changed files. This is very helpful to track down any failures (view image bellow).


On my next blog post I’ll show you how to add customizations.